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Who Goes There? by John W Campbell

Who Goes There? is a science fiction novella by John W. Campbell, Jr., written under the pen name Don A. Stuart. It was first published in the August 1938 Astounding Science-Fiction.

In 1973 the story was voted by the Science Fiction Writers of America as one of the finest science fiction novellas ever written. It was published with the other top vote-getters in The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two.

The novella has been adapted three times as a motion picture: the first in 1951 as The Thing from Another World; the second in 1982 as The Thing directed by John Carpenter; and most recently as a prequel to the Carpenter version, also titled The Thing, released in 2011.

The story concerns an Antarctic expedition undertaken by 37 men who now reside in a camp that affords little privacy. It opens with the men of the team gathered to discuss an unusual find: a 3-eyed alien creature encased in a block of ice that was retrieved nearby where a space ship was also discovered beneath the ice. Despite some initial misgivings, the camp’s doctor, Blair, proceeds to thaw out the creature so that he may examine it.

The Bing Crosby Show 531220 Ep52 Christmas Show (HQ)

The Bing Crosby Show from December 20, 1953 on CBS sponsored by General Electric. The first tune is, "Adeste Fideles." Bing concludes with "White Christmas and "Silent Night." Bing Crosby, Ken Carpenter (announcer), John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra, Jud Conlon's Rhythmaires, Bill Morrow (producer, transcriber), Murdo McKenzie (producer, transcriber).

The Amos 'n' Andy Show 50-12-24 (258) Traditional Christmas Show (HQ)

"Christmas Show" from The Amos 'n' Andy Show aired December 24, 1950 on CBS sponsored by Rinso. The traditional Christmas show in which Andy gets a job in a department store as a Santa Claus to earn a doll for Amos' daughter.

The Six Shooter 53-12-20 (14) Britt Ponset's Christmas Carol (HQ)

"Britt Ponset's Christmas Carol" from the Old Time Radio western series The Six-Shooter aired December 20, 1953 on NBC starring Jimmy Stewart. The story of "A Christmas Carol" is retold western style.

1954-12-05 - Jack Benny Program - Christmas Shopping

1953-12-13 - Jack Benny Program - Christmas Show from Palm Springs

1953-12-02 - The Great Gildersleeve - Selling Insurance for Christmas Money

1948-12-15 - Family Theatre - A Daddy for Christmas

1953-11-20 - Fibber McGee and Molly - The Christmas Fund

1952-12-15 - The Railroad Hour - Holiday Inn